
Phantom Beasts is a very story-rich, side-scrolling, action game in 2.5D.
It mixes the fast-paced combat of the ‘shoot’em up’ genre with the precise movement of the platformer genre.

In Phantom Beasts you can have multiple weapon as well as multiple abilities given to you by your teammate phantoms, which creates a very varied and interesting gameplay.

A boat at the sea

My part in the project

I joined ReadySteady Games in my 2nd year of my bachelor degree.
As a junior developer I started with small assignments, but as I gained trust around the studio I was given more responsibilities until I became one of the main developers of the game.


In Phantom Beasts I developed a varied set of systems:

  • Fast and precise locomotion system, with custom collision system, variable jump height, slope support, knock back and dash.
  • Dependency injected versatile UI system that supports both PC and controller with easy to use events based effects.
  • Versatile inventory and weapons system that support multiple weapons and grenades.
  • Input system using Unity’s new input system, with easy to change profile and aim assist.
  • Time slow ability that can slow each object differently and create time slow regions (used the Chronos unity package, but extended it massively)
  • I leaded the client side development of a Multiplayer PvP prototype (the server was written by another developer)
  • Different game modes with support for score, timer, minimap, checkpoints and steam leaderboard integration.
